Monday, November 1, 2010

I'm Back!

After a long break from sewing while my parents were visiting, I'm back with lots of projects to complete. The first project is to make several pairs of pants for a sweet little boy. Buying adjustable waist pants for this little fella just isn't working out. So his mom asked me to measure him and get to work with my creative side.

Shopping for the fabric was lots of fun! I won't reveal the fabric choices since his mom might be reading. :) I want her to be surprised. But I will share this test pair I made out of some flannel I've had sitting around for a while.
Love the look of these pants!

The front pockets were a new venture for me. I love the trim on the pockets. When I make the next pants I will have the pocket trim in a contrasting fabric.

I can't wait to get to work on the next four pairs of pants with different fabrics!

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