Monday, August 30, 2010

The Finish Line, Collecting, and a Contest

So, I've finally reached the finish line! Several people have asked me to work on projects for them this summer, and I am happy to report they are all completed. And most have even been delivered. It was fun, and I really enjoy creating things for others. Until I get swamped again with projects for others, I'll be working on some projects for my family.

Now to a problem...getting paid for my work. I'm a very trusting person, but since starting my own sewing business I am quickly learning that trust and business can not mix. For most of my projects I have waited until getting paid to ship the items. But for a couple of projects I decided to go ahead and ship them because I knew I would be gone for quite some time on vacation with my family. So, here we are 6 weeks later and no money. And we aren't talking a couple of dollars.

There are a couple of solutions to this problem. One is that I can require folks to pay half down before I even start a custom order for them. This way if they decide to not send the rest of the money I've only lost payment for my time and not cost of materials. And I can always list the item on my etsy shop. The other option is to make the item and list it on my etsy shop as a custom item for that specific person. If they do not purchase it within a certain time period they will forfeit the item.

So, for all three of my faithful followers - What is your advice on the matter?

On a brighter note - I WON A CONTEST!!! So, the other day I was browsing blogs I follow and came across a contest to win two patterns from
Samantha is an awesome seamstress and great designer of patterns. Her patterns are super easy to follow, and the best thing is they are no buttons and zippers to deal with. All you had to do to enter the contest was to leave a comment. So that's exactly what I did. Then I really didn't think much about it. I rarely do this sort of thing, because the odds of winning are so low. I never win anything. I decided to check her blog again Sunday evening to see if any winners had been announced, and right there on her blog was my name. I clicked on it, and it went straight to my blog! That's how I knew it was really me. I'm so excited to get the new patterns and start sewing! I'll definitely keep entering these contests now. Who knows? Maybe someday I'll be blessed again...

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