Sunday, September 5, 2010

Thankful and a GIVEAWAY!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to those who have paid up on their accounts this week. I hate to nag and keep asking, so writing that last post and emailing some of you individually again was not easy for me. I want you to know I really appreciate the opportunity to create things for you.

From now on any custom orders from folks who do not live close will be posted on my Etsy shop for your purchasing convenience. Once the item is shown as sold, I will sent it out in the mail. It's that easy! If there is a problem with your item, I will do everything in my power to fix it or you may send it back for a full refund.

Now to the fun stuff...In celebration of the end of summer, a great beginning to a new school year, news that I am gaining a new sis-in-law, my joy in winning two patterns recently, and the hope that Fall will arrive here eventually...I've decided to have a giveaway.

From now until Friday, September 10th, anyone who leaves a comment on this blog post will be eligible to win the cute little boy fold n go pictured above. Inside the fold n go is a small legal pad and activity book. There are also several crayon pockets on the left side of the notebook. I can't find a photo, and the camera has been acting up.

There will be one entry per person (no leaving 10 different comments in hopes of increasing your chances!), and be sure to leave your email address in the comment.

I look forward to seeing who is actually following this blog!! Happy commenting!


  1. LOL, I was going to talk to you tonight about buying one of these for Anthony. His birthday is on the 21st and we're going to start training him to sit through church soon. I thought this would be a good bday present for him. So if I don't win, know that I want to order one of these from you. :-)

  2. too, me too!!! I think Will would just love this!

  3. Ha ha, I don't follow you. but I like to visit anyway. If I win you can give it to one of the others ... :) I vote for Christi.

  4. Collier needs the fold n go more than any of the others here who are claiming their sweet little boy would benefit. Pick me! Pick me! :-)Okay, this is my first time to check out the blog. Cute! How do you have the time....superwoman....
